Girl Scout Cookies


A completely unbiased review on the two cookies I happened to buy when the girl scouts flooded our office.

Girl scout cookies, what are they really?

Crack. They are basically crack.

But.. why?

When I purchased 6 boxes of these cookies from a coworkers daughter I did not anticipate writing a blog post about them. However, after much discussion in the office it became apparent that there is a big following behind two of the girl scout cookie brands; Tagalongs and Somoas. I just so happened to have purchased 3 boxes of each.

The Review

Now some of you from the Eastern side of the U.S. might be confused on what the actual fuck Samoas & Tagalongs are. You probably know them as Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties.

Really? Those names suck.

Just call them Samoas and Tagalongs like normal people. These names are fun and actually make the cookies sound delicious. Caramel deLites is something I’d expect my 110 year old grandma to like. And don’t get me started on Peanut Butter Patties.


I’m going to get straight to the point. Samoas are the absolute shit. I don’t think I have ever had a better cookie. Drug dealers should start selling these because they have all the positive effects of a bad drug addiction that keep your customers coming back without any of the negatives. You don’t have to worry about losing customers due to overdosing.

Samoas have a perfect balance of chocolate, caramel, and coconut on a nice crispy wafer. Absolute perfection. Theres really no way describe the taste other than telling you to just buy some and try them.


Chopping Block Tagalongs

Absolute trash in comparison. There is nothing at all special about Tagalongs infact I struggle to even get through an entire box. You’d have an easier time eating an entire jar of peanut butter.

The balance is just awful. Take a bite into a Tagalong and you become overwhelmed with the overpowering taste of peanut butter. If you were a drug dealer trying to sell these you’d be going out of business quick.

Long story short I regret buying the 3 boxes of Tagalongs and should have instead bought Thin Mints.

The Verdict

Don't be stupid. Buy Samoas.

Also here is a neat video on how they are made.
